• A2, DDA Shed, Pocket A, Okhla Phase I,
    Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020

Charity For Medical Treatment | Health Care Charity Foundation or Organizations

Poverty and poor health are inseparably related and has been projected much in the country of India. They both are dependent on each other and exist because of each other. Looking into the medical healthcare of a person has been our foundation's biggest project. Making the health conditions and medical facilities proper and available to all will automatically benefit and make the conditions of the poor, better. We have always been concerned about taking good healthcare of the abused, poor classes by contributing to their expenses involved in critical medical operations and medicines.

Medical reports state that the majority of the Indian population die due to the poor health condition and in affordability to bear the expenses involved in the treatments. Not only there are fewer hospitals and healthcare centers made available for the poor as the doctors have high fees for their chambers but also the people residing in rural areas, villages and slums have low income to curb the charges of the medication. You can reach out to us at any point of time- be initiative to be able to make a change in the life of someone, come here with us for donation for medical help. Well-established hospitals in cities have high maintenance and good doctors but are only available to the people with better incomes and high status completely excluding the requirement of the poor.

Health is wealth is a famous saying we have always heard. It's now time for us to apply it in the lives of the poverty-stricken, which are in need of proper healthcare more than the common humans. People living in slums and roads lack sanitation, neatness, struggling to make a living and completely neglecting what's most important in the long run, health. Poverty has been the prime reason for the underprivileged ones to access proper healthcare. The poor, hardly getting proper meals a day, can never afford to spend a part of their income in medication or treatments. The health of one, being the most vital in life to look after, is completely ignored while making a living. Adeeba Charitable Foundation is a big team united together and growing daily with new members joining us every day, donating every little bit they can and collecting to make hygienic healthcare centers and getting qualified doctors to serve the underprivileged ones. A country with healthy individuals is a healthy country altogether.

Since the promotion of the good and the stable healthcare is very much in demand it is true that there is also the need to promote the happy and the content life that can blemish all the sins and can also lead to the growth of the harmony between others. Brij Bala Foundation is the best charity for the medical treatment as it does also caters to the needs and demands of the young and the needy ones when at despair. It does also lead to the growth of the stability in the lives, for both the young and the old as it is the most concerned factor in the present day. Let us both come together and make a better change- and also a better tomorrow.

With the hustle bustle of the busy life, it has been difficult to keep a pace of the small details which is concerned with our health; hence it is also important to be able to maintain the definite type of the standards needed to be able to run a healthcare foundation. Almost majority of the Indian people are having lesser hygiene due to the lack of the care taken to maintain their health and curb the diseases that is prevailing in the lives of all. To promote the good well being within one and all, it is mandatory to look after the needs and demands to reduce the growth and also the dominance of the illness in the current society. If you do wish to make a change today, then reach out to us, to the best health charity foundation, to win the hearts of millions.

Donate us to help bring up healthy individuals for complete growth in them and for the country.
foundation for education

Poverty and poor health are inseparably related. They both are dependent on each other and exist because of each other. Looking into the medical healthcare of a person has been our foundation's biggest project. Making the health conditions and medical facilities proper and available to all will automatically benefit and make the conditions of the poor, better. We have always been concerned about taking good healthcare of the abused, poor classes by contributing to their expenses involved in critical medical operations and medicines.

Medical reports state that the majority of the Indian population die due to the poor health condition and unaffordability to bear the expenses involved in the treatments. Not only there are fewer hospitals and healthcare centers made available for the poor as the doctors have high fees for their chambers but also the people residing in rural areas, villages and slums have low income to curb the charges of the medication. Well-established hospitals in cities have high maintenance and good doctors but are only available to the people with better incomes and high status completely excluding the requirement of the poor.

Health is wealth is an olden saying we have always heard. It's now time for us to apply it in the lives of the poverty-stricken, who are in need of proper healthcare more than the common humans. People living in slums and roads lack sanitation, neatness, struggling to make a living and completely neglecting what's most important in the long run, health. Poverty has been the prime reason for the underprivileged ones to access proper healthcare. The poor, hardly getting proper meals a day, can never afford to spend a part of their income in medication or treatments. The health of one, being the most vital in life to look after, is completely ignored while making a living. Brij Bala Foundation is a big team united together and growing daily with new members joining us every day, donating every little bit they can and collecting to make hygienic healthcare centers and getting qualified doctors to serve the underprivileged ones. A country with healthy individuals is a healthy country altogether.

Get in Touch


A2, DDA Shed, Pocket A, Okhla Phase I, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020

Working hours

Monday to Saturday - 10am to 7pm

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